The vision and goal of Naioth Prophetic School is to see the Body of Christ come to her full stature (Eph. 4:13), for that to happen there must be a mature five fold ministry, Passionately His and willing to “Love not their lives to the end” (Rev. 12:11)
Core Values核心價值
Naioth Prophetic School emphasizes on apostolic and prophetic ministry and also worship and intercession ministry. The overall goal is four-fold:
1.For each person to grow deeper in love with Jesus and live the First Commandment. (Matt. 22:37-39)
2.To develop the character of Christ in each person as our highest call through the discipleship of Matt 5,6 and 7 and healing. (Rom. 8:28-30 / Matt. 28:18-20)
透過馬太福音五、六、七章的門徒訓練總綱與更深的醫治,使每個人生命中發展基督的品格,並且使這基督的品格成為我們生命中最重要的呼召。(羅8:28-30 / 太28:18-20)
3.To equip each person through the ascension gifts (5 fold ministry) for that person to walk in power, anointing and fulfill their destiny. (Eph. 4:11-13)
4.Israel : Understanding Israel is one of the primary focus of the Lord and a central theme of the Kingdom of God. (Rom. 11) 末日的教會需有對於以色列奧祕的理解(羅11)並且教會的角色將是在雅各遭難的日子(耶30:7)或是耶穌所說「大災難」(太24:21)激起猶太人的發憤(羅11:11)。
1.For each person to grow deeper in love with Jesus and live the First Commandment. (Matt. 22:37-39)
2.To develop the character of Christ in each person as our highest call through the discipleship of Matt 5,6 and 7 and healing. (Rom. 8:28-30 / Matt. 28:18-20)
透過馬太福音五、六、七章的門徒訓練總綱與更深的醫治,使每個人生命中發展基督的品格,並且使這基督的品格成為我們生命中最重要的呼召。(羅8:28-30 / 太28:18-20)
3.To equip each person through the ascension gifts (5 fold ministry) for that person to walk in power, anointing and fulfill their destiny. (Eph. 4:11-13)
4.Israel : Understanding Israel is one of the primary focus of the Lord and a central theme of the Kingdom of God. (Rom. 11) 末日的教會需有對於以色列奧祕的理解(羅11)並且教會的角色將是在雅各遭難的日子(耶30:7)或是耶穌所說「大災難」(太24:21)激起猶太人的發憤(羅11:11)。
About Clinton Glenny 柯葛尼介紹
University of Arizona, Tucson Had an Air Force Scholorship from 1972-1975.
Bethany Bible College, Santa Cruz, Ca. from 1983-1987. Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Ministry and Biblical Studies. 5th year in drug & addiction counseling.
Fuller Seminary 1987-1988, School of World Missions, Cross Cultural Church Planting and Spiritual Formation.
Saved out of a life of rebellion and drugs with an angelic visitation at a Grateful Dead Concert in San Francisco, New Years Eve Night on Dec. 31, 1978. Had a powerful life transformation from a message by Art Katz on the Cross of Christ on April 8, 1980 and started a house church. Also attended First Assembly of God in Rockford, IL. Pastored by Ernie Moen. Had a powerful baptism of the Holy Spirit when David Duplisee came in the Spring of 1980. Had a home group (house church) that started when they got saved. The Lord began to move among the house church in deliverance and prophesy. Moved to Santa Cruz to attend Bethany Bible College. Did an internship at First Assembly of God in Santa Cruz, Ca Moved to Las Vegas to work with Pastor Peter Cassela in planting the Church of Glad Tidings in August of 1988. Became the Sr. Pastor in October of 1989. Changed the name of the church to Word of Grace in the Spring of 1990. Started traveling to the Philippines and China in 1990. There have been many trips to SE Asia over the last 20 years with and emphasis on spiritual formation, leadership training, 5 fold ministry equipping, prophetic and apostolic ministry.
1978年的新年夜晚,在參加舊金山「Grateful Dead死之華搖滾演唱會」中,因著和天使之間近距離而真實的經歷,使葛尼從一個叛逆及毒癮生活中被拯救出來。接著,又在1980年4月8日聽見Art Katz亞特.凱玆「基督的十架」的講道內容後,經歷了生命中大能的翻轉並開始家庭教會。往後又參加伊利諾州洛克福鎮「神召會」的聚會,期間為Dale Crall戴爾.克羅牧師所牧養。1980年春天,葛尼透過David Duplisee大衛.杜普希領受聖靈的洗禮。
隨後搬遷至桑塔市就讀伯大尼聖經學院。在加州桑塔市的「神召會」實習後,於1988年8月又搬到拉斯維加斯和Peter Cassela彼得卡瑟牧師一起同工,拓殖「喜樂浪潮教會」,並在隔年10月擔任主任牧師,1990年春天將教會更名為「恩典話語教會」,同年,也開始了菲律賓及中國等地的傳道生涯。20年來,去過許多東南亞的島嶼國家,目的在於屬靈重建、領袖訓練、五重職份裝備及先知性、使徒性事奉中心的建造。
Teaching Background:
Clint has a 5-fold teaching gift. He teaches Biblical Exposition working systematically through entire books of the Bible. To date he has taught through the following books: Matt, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Roman, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossions, 1 & 2 Thes., 1 & 2 Tim., Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, Exodus, Lev., Numbers, Duet., Joshua, Ruth, 1 & 2 Sam., Ezra, Nea., Esther, Job, Jonah, Hagai, Zecc., Malachi plus a few of the Psalms. He currently has been teaching Daniel and the Book of Revelation.
He also teaches the following: Expository preaching, 5 fold ministry, prophetic ministry and prophesy, deliverance, Biblical counseling, laying on of hands, impartation, anointing, how to hear God's voice and determine His will. Ecclesiology--NT church structure, plurality of eldership, home groups, David's Tabernacle, Mosaic Tabernacle, Pentecostal History, Old Testament Survey and the New Testament Survey.
Prophetic Background:
Spirituality has always been a part of Clint's life even prior to coming to the Lord. Art Katz, a Jewish Prophet, was very significant in Clint's early conversion experience. He and Art became good friends and remain in relationship today. First Assembly of God in Rockford, IL. under Pastor Ernie Moen was a large, Charismatic church that embraced the 5-fold ministry in the 70's and 80's. It was here that Clint was nurtured in the prophetic by Pastor Dale Crall and Rueven Ross. He continued to grow in the prophetic under Pastor Rick Howard from Penninsula Christian Center in Redwood City, California. It was in the 1980s that he became familiar with Dick Iverson, Frank Demazio, Ernest Gentile, David Schock, Violet and David Kitely, Bill & Gerta Brown, Leonard and Rosella Fox and many other prophetic voices. Most of these have ministered at Word of Grace in Las Vegas and Clint has done Prophetic Presbyteries with many of them.
The purity of the prophetic ministry is a burden that Clint carries. His desire to see the prophetic released in churches, and individuals walk in the ministry of the prophet is one of his greatest callings. Clint has ministered prophetically for over 30 years.
Because of a strong teaching gift and his pastoral gift the prophetic is very tempered and balanced in his life. Clint has prophesied over thousands of leader's in the body of Christ and many churches.
在葛尼的生命中,屬靈的經歷一直不斷更新。Art Katz亞特.凱玆,一位猶太裔的先知,是葛尼初信時期影響他生命轉變最重要的人物。直到Art Katz亞特.凱玆回天家前 ,他們都持續亦師亦友的緊密關係。
進入位於伊利諾州洛克弗鎮由Ernie Moen埃涅.蒙恩牧師牧會的『神召會』,這是ㄧ個在1970-1980年間著重於五重職份的靈恩教會。
葛尼也在此期間接受Dale Crall戴爾.克羅牧師及馬崇山牧師的先知性牧養與教導。
1980年代,他開始和當代先知性話語出口的事奉者熟識,如 Dick Iverson迪克.艾弗遜, Frank Demazio法蘭克.達馬濟歐, Ernest Gentile恩斯特‧ 詹蒂萊, David Schock大衛.朔克, Violet紀彗莉與David Kitely紀大衛, Bill比爾·布朗與Gerta Brown, Leonard雷歐納與Rosella Fox等等。
University of Arizona, Tucson Had an Air Force Scholorship from 1972-1975.
Bethany Bible College, Santa Cruz, Ca. from 1983-1987. Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Ministry and Biblical Studies. 5th year in drug & addiction counseling.
Fuller Seminary 1987-1988, School of World Missions, Cross Cultural Church Planting and Spiritual Formation.
Saved out of a life of rebellion and drugs with an angelic visitation at a Grateful Dead Concert in San Francisco, New Years Eve Night on Dec. 31, 1978. Had a powerful life transformation from a message by Art Katz on the Cross of Christ on April 8, 1980 and started a house church. Also attended First Assembly of God in Rockford, IL. Pastored by Ernie Moen. Had a powerful baptism of the Holy Spirit when David Duplisee came in the Spring of 1980. Had a home group (house church) that started when they got saved. The Lord began to move among the house church in deliverance and prophesy. Moved to Santa Cruz to attend Bethany Bible College. Did an internship at First Assembly of God in Santa Cruz, Ca Moved to Las Vegas to work with Pastor Peter Cassela in planting the Church of Glad Tidings in August of 1988. Became the Sr. Pastor in October of 1989. Changed the name of the church to Word of Grace in the Spring of 1990. Started traveling to the Philippines and China in 1990. There have been many trips to SE Asia over the last 20 years with and emphasis on spiritual formation, leadership training, 5 fold ministry equipping, prophetic and apostolic ministry.
1978年的新年夜晚,在參加舊金山「Grateful Dead死之華搖滾演唱會」中,因著和天使之間近距離而真實的經歷,使葛尼從一個叛逆及毒癮生活中被拯救出來。接著,又在1980年4月8日聽見Art Katz亞特.凱玆「基督的十架」的講道內容後,經歷了生命中大能的翻轉並開始家庭教會。往後又參加伊利諾州洛克福鎮「神召會」的聚會,期間為Dale Crall戴爾.克羅牧師所牧養。1980年春天,葛尼透過David Duplisee大衛.杜普希領受聖靈的洗禮。
隨後搬遷至桑塔市就讀伯大尼聖經學院。在加州桑塔市的「神召會」實習後,於1988年8月又搬到拉斯維加斯和Peter Cassela彼得卡瑟牧師一起同工,拓殖「喜樂浪潮教會」,並在隔年10月擔任主任牧師,1990年春天將教會更名為「恩典話語教會」,同年,也開始了菲律賓及中國等地的傳道生涯。20年來,去過許多東南亞的島嶼國家,目的在於屬靈重建、領袖訓練、五重職份裝備及先知性、使徒性事奉中心的建造。
Teaching Background:
Clint has a 5-fold teaching gift. He teaches Biblical Exposition working systematically through entire books of the Bible. To date he has taught through the following books: Matt, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Roman, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossions, 1 & 2 Thes., 1 & 2 Tim., Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, Exodus, Lev., Numbers, Duet., Joshua, Ruth, 1 & 2 Sam., Ezra, Nea., Esther, Job, Jonah, Hagai, Zecc., Malachi plus a few of the Psalms. He currently has been teaching Daniel and the Book of Revelation.
He also teaches the following: Expository preaching, 5 fold ministry, prophetic ministry and prophesy, deliverance, Biblical counseling, laying on of hands, impartation, anointing, how to hear God's voice and determine His will. Ecclesiology--NT church structure, plurality of eldership, home groups, David's Tabernacle, Mosaic Tabernacle, Pentecostal History, Old Testament Survey and the New Testament Survey.
Prophetic Background:
Spirituality has always been a part of Clint's life even prior to coming to the Lord. Art Katz, a Jewish Prophet, was very significant in Clint's early conversion experience. He and Art became good friends and remain in relationship today. First Assembly of God in Rockford, IL. under Pastor Ernie Moen was a large, Charismatic church that embraced the 5-fold ministry in the 70's and 80's. It was here that Clint was nurtured in the prophetic by Pastor Dale Crall and Rueven Ross. He continued to grow in the prophetic under Pastor Rick Howard from Penninsula Christian Center in Redwood City, California. It was in the 1980s that he became familiar with Dick Iverson, Frank Demazio, Ernest Gentile, David Schock, Violet and David Kitely, Bill & Gerta Brown, Leonard and Rosella Fox and many other prophetic voices. Most of these have ministered at Word of Grace in Las Vegas and Clint has done Prophetic Presbyteries with many of them.
The purity of the prophetic ministry is a burden that Clint carries. His desire to see the prophetic released in churches, and individuals walk in the ministry of the prophet is one of his greatest callings. Clint has ministered prophetically for over 30 years.
Because of a strong teaching gift and his pastoral gift the prophetic is very tempered and balanced in his life. Clint has prophesied over thousands of leader's in the body of Christ and many churches.
在葛尼的生命中,屬靈的經歷一直不斷更新。Art Katz亞特.凱玆,一位猶太裔的先知,是葛尼初信時期影響他生命轉變最重要的人物。直到Art Katz亞特.凱玆回天家前 ,他們都持續亦師亦友的緊密關係。
進入位於伊利諾州洛克弗鎮由Ernie Moen埃涅.蒙恩牧師牧會的『神召會』,這是ㄧ個在1970-1980年間著重於五重職份的靈恩教會。
葛尼也在此期間接受Dale Crall戴爾.克羅牧師及馬崇山牧師的先知性牧養與教導。
1980年代,他開始和當代先知性話語出口的事奉者熟識,如 Dick Iverson迪克.艾弗遜, Frank Demazio法蘭克.達馬濟歐, Ernest Gentile恩斯特‧ 詹蒂萊, David Schock大衛.朔克, Violet紀彗莉與David Kitely紀大衛, Bill比爾·布朗與Gerta Brown, Leonard雷歐納與Rosella Fox等等。